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The official Blog of Wellness Natural Pet Food

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General care

Pet safety

How Long Does Dry Dog Food Typically Last?

Dry dog food is a great option for many pets. It is easy to transport, does not have an offensive smell, and is not as messy as some other meal choices. It can come in a variety of sizes and is often cheaper if bought in bulk. However, if you want to buy your dog’s food in a larger-sized bag, you may be wondering, how long does dry dog food last once opened? You love to treat your dog like a member of the family, and if their food is anything like ours, it is bound to go stale at some point, right? While keeping your pet’s health and safety as well as your budget in mind, let’s figure out the shelf life of the typical dry dog food. Most dry dog food is sold in bags. As long as the bag is sealed with no holes and not wet, this is the best place to keep the food. Once you open the bag, it is likely best to remove the food to a container that can be sealed tightly to protect the food from air and any pathogens that may be in the environment. This can also keep your nosy pet from helping themselves to a snack when they are not supposed to! A container can be as simple as a plastic tote, or you may choose to explore vacuum-sealed containers designed specifically for pet foods. Another option is


Health & nutrition

Life stage

5 Reasons Your Kitten Might Not Be Eating and What To Do About It

Having a new kitten in your home can be a world of excitement, play, and fun, but it can also be a lot of stress too! Finding the right kitty bed, toys, feeding area, climbing and scratching posts, can be a fun task to make your new kitten family member feel right at home. But what if your little furry friend isn’t eating well? What are some reasons your kitten might not be eating and what can you do to address the problem? Below are 5 reasons your new kitten might not be eating well and what steps you can take to help get them on the right track. This is the most important step. A change, poor, or complete loss of appetite can be a sign of an underlying health issue or issues. Reasons you kitten won’t eat can be numerous such as dental problems, gastrointestinal problems, upper respiratory infections, or parasites to name a few. Have your veterinarian check your kitten’s health first to rule out a medical issue before troubleshooting concerns, that will ensure your kitten has the best chance to thrive in the future. Depending on how old your kitten is they may be eating an appropriate amount or not enough food. Remember that small kittens have a very small stomach, so they may need a high quality, nutrient dense food in a smaller amount to meet their needs. New kittens grow gradually, although at times



Taking the Stress Out of the Fourth of July for Your Dog: The Benefits of Calmatives

The 4th of July is a celebratory time of year when many people across the country celebrate with fireworks. While this can be an exciting and enjoyable experience for us humans, it can be a very stressful and frightening experience for dogs. Dogs have a heightened sense of hearing, so the loud noises from fireworks can be particularly distressing for them. Common signs of stress and anxiety in dogs include excessive barking, destructive chewing or digging, panting, trembling or shaking, pacing or restlessness, avoidance of eye contact, and repetitive behaviors like licking or biting. It is always good to talk to your pet’s veterinarian if your pup is demonstrating any of these behaviors as they will be able to advise you best as to if this is anxieties or potentially something more serious. In mild cases, these anxieties may be addressed with a natural calmative supplementation in conjunction with behavior modification. In cases of severe symptoms or dogs exhibiting harmful behaviors or aggression, additional treatments by a veterinarian or certified canine behavioralist may be in order. One way to help dogs cope with the anxiety of fireworks or other stressful situations is by using calmative supplements and behavioral modification. Calmative supplements like Wellness Calm Support Chews  help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation in dogs.. These supplements are made from natural and scientifically proven ingredients and are often less potent than prescription or over-the-counter medications but can still be helpful


Health & nutrition

What is the VOHC Seal? What It Means To Be the Best Dog Dental Chew

Like any member of the family, our dog’s teeth don’t require just any dental care—they deserve the best possible doggie dental care to keep them happy and healthy. The kind that comes with an official seal of approval from a trusted and knowledgeable group of experts with pet health and safety top of mind. So, who is that group and what does their approval look like? VOHC stands for the Veterinary Oral Health Council. Yes, a whole council just for our dog’s teeth! This non-profit consists of an international group of board-certified veterinary dentists. It was founded in 1997 as an objective way to recognize effective products in the reduction of plaque and tartar in dogs and cats. Because, sure, a lot of products can claim to improve your pet’s dental health, but we pet parents want to know the ones that actually make a difference and have the credentials to show for it. First established in the US and now recognized around the world, the VOHC Seal is a way to cut through the clutter of product claims and see right on the package that a product has been tested to do what it says it’ll do—improve our pet’s dental health. In order to get this seal of approval, a company must perform a series of tests designed by the VOHC to demonstrate their product delivers on its oral health benefits and is worthy of being a VOHC-approved product.


Health & nutrition

Should I Let My Dog Eat Grass?

Many theories have been suggested and conversations been had as to why dogs eat grass, but while the question is a simple one, the answer is often far more complex leaving pet parents frequently confused. Topping the list for reasons to be munching on that grass include the suggestion that dogs like to eat grass to help them vomit, especially if they have eaten something that didn’t agree with them. Other reasons include helping eliminate intestinal parasites, a mineral or dietary deficiency, good old boredom, an inherent behavior trait, a reaction to anxiety or simply… because they enjoy the taste of it. A study conducted in 20081 of over 1500 dog parents reported that 68% said their dog was eating grass or some plant material on a daily or weekly basis.  With such a high frequency the study then looked closer at the dog’s behavior before and after consuming that plant material to help understand if there were common behaviors or reasons.  Interestingly, only 8% of pet parents reported that their dog appeared ill before eating the plants, 22% reported their dog regularly vomited afterwards and the diet that the dog was eating (raw food, kibble, wet food or homecooked) appeared to play no role whatsoever as to if a dog was more or less likely to eat plants. Most veterinarians would consider a dog eating grass as a normal canine behavior, but does that mean you should be let them


Health & nutrition

How To Keep Your Cat Cool In The Summer: 12 Tips

Here are some tips on how to keep your cat cool in the hot summer weather… Make sure your cat always has access to cool, fresh water. For indoor cats, place several bowls around the house to encourage more drinking and to make it convenient for less mobile cats to easily get to a water bowl. If your cat goes outdoors, place bowls in several shady locations and replace the water several times a day to keep it fresh. For outdoor cats, make sure there are shady locations available. If you have an outdoor enclosure or “catio”, there should be shade available as well as the ability for the cat to easily return back into the house should they get too hot. Even indoor cats need shade. If your cat loves their cat tree or window perch and it sits in a sunny window, close the curtains or provide an alternate elevated location in a spot that doesn’t have sun streaming in. If you keep your cat indoors you are more easily able to control temperature in the environment. If you don’t have A/C , run the ceiling fans or place several standing/box fans around that are safely away from the cat. Just having air circulation can make a difference in temperature and in the comfort of the interior. You may not realize this but cats can easily get sunburned, especially on their ear tips. On very sunny days, the best way


General care

Life stage

5 Signs Your Dog Can be Considered A Senior Dog

Whether human or dog, getting older is a part of life. Along with cruises and Bingo, a person’s golden years are often marked by achy joints, more doctor’s appointments, and changes in dietary needs. It’s not so different for your canine pal; as dogs enter their senior years, owners must accommodate their pets’ evolving dietary and medical needs. But when is a dog considered a senior? After all, dogs age differently, and your ten-year-old black Labrador might still be as spunky as ever. Just because your dog is aging doesn’t mean it is nearing the end of its lifespan, but making certain changes will certainly help elongate it. Review the following five signs to determine whether it’s time to make some changes. Ask yourself — “When is my dog considered a senior?” The first factor you’ll undoubtedly contemplate is age. A dog’s life is measured in three stages: puppy, adult, and senior. When an adult canine transitions into the senior phase varies depending on its breed. Smaller dogs tend to live longer than larger dogs and aren’t seniors until around nine years, while medium-sized breeds become seniors at seven years of age. Larger breeds, such as Bernese mountain dogs and Great Danes, qualify as senior citizens as early as five to six years old. As dogs age, their appetite decreases. It can be alarming if Fido suddenly isn’t finishing his kibble bowl, as decreased appetite often foretells illness, but it’s




Pets and Fireworks: How to Keep Them Safe On July 4th

For many, July 4th includes fireworks, which happens to be where the fun ends and the anxiety begins for pets. While animals may love the camaraderie of July 4th, they do not love the pyrotechnics. Fireworks are known to cause anxiety and fear in pets, and can cause other safety hazards for pets during the summer holiday. Learn what they are and how to avoid them this July 4th. Did you know that more pets get lost on July 4 than any other day of the year? This is because the noise and the shocking light from fireworks can set pets into a panic. They want to escape, and when they do, they can easily bolt away if untethered, pull a lead from an owner’s grasp, or burrow their way out of a backyard. If you have a cat or a dog that might be exposed to fireworks (and thus, a runaway risk), then take these steps. Take a recent photo of your pet. Ensure your pet’s ID tag is on and is visible. Make sure your pet’s enclosure / fencing is secure. If possible, put your pet indoors. Not all pet owners have this option, but if your pet is indoors, then you know he or she cannot runaway; however, even indoors or in a garage or another safe enclosure, your pet can still hear the fireworks and thus get scared (and loud). To keep your pet safe indoors, make sure


Pet safety


Tips for Pet-Friendly Travel

Gearing up for summer travel with your pup?? At Wellness Pet we want pet parents to enjoy a life of wellbeing with their furry friends, which includes time spent traveling together. Take a moment to relax and feel prepared with these tips to keep your routine in-check and help you both stay happy and healthy – no matter where you go: 1. Bring a piece of home on the road with you. Make sure to pack your dog’s favorite chew toy, blanket, or bowl as you’re getting ready for your next trip. The familiar scent and sense of comfort will help your dog feel more confident in this new environment and help you both better enjoy your time on the road together. If you’re traveling by car, consider packing your dog’s comfy bed. 2. Treat them well. If you have to leave your dog behind in your hotel room or rental for a period of time, treat them well by filling a Kong with an Old Mother Hubbard® by Wellness treat. And don’t let your dental care routine slide.  Pack one WHIMZEES® by Wellness dental treat for every day you’re traveling to help reduce plaque, tartar and bad breath. 3. Routine & schedule. Maintain a sense of schedule no matter where you go to better enjoy your time with your dog. Try to stick to your usual routine – timing out potty breaks, mealtime and walks as you would at



Pet safety


Beat the Heat: How to Keep Your Pet Comfortable and Safe in the Summer Months

Summer is upon us, fellow pet lovers, and with summer comes lots of outdoor fun with our pets. However, depending on where you live, the summer heat can present many dangers to your pet. Pet owners can sometimes be oblivious to these dangers, which can result in many health risks for our furry friends. Keep your pet comfortable and safe this summer with these tips on how to beat the heat. With temperatures rising to potentially dangerous levels in the summer months, you have to be conscious of your pet’s safety. In the hot summer months, these are some of the ‘DONTS’ to keep in mind when caring for your pet in the heat. Never leave your pet unattended inside of the car. Honestly, it is never a good idea to leave your pet unattended in a vehicle for any length of time beyond a couple of minutes, but this is especially true in the event of extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold. The inside of a car on just a warm day can reach dangerous and fatal temperature levels, and it can happen within minutes! Print out this Humane Society flyer to disperse and help to educate your community. Do not put a muzzle on a dog while they are out in the heat. There is a reason why dogs start panting when they get really hot – it is a natural way of controlling their body temperature. When




Annual Pet Holidays 2023

Pet holidays have become increasingly popular over the years, with many pet owners eager to celebrate their furry friends in special ways. While there are holidays dedicated to pets of all kinds, dogs and cats, being the most common household pets, tend to get the most attention. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most popular pet holidays for dogs and cats, and how you can celebrate with your beloved furry friends! National Dress Up Your Pet is a day for pet owners to show off their pets’ personalities by dressing them up in fun and creative outfits. From cute costumes to silly hats, the possibilities are endless and it can also be a great way to bond with your pet and show them some extra love and attention. However, it’s important to remember that not all pets enjoy being dressed up, so it’s crucial to ensure that your pet is comfortable and safe in their outfit. Whether you participate in National Dress Up Your Pet Day or not, it’s always important to prioritize your pet’s well-being and happiness above all else! National Love Your Pet Day is a day to show your pet how much you care. This holiday is not exclusive to dogs and cats, but they certainly benefit from the extra attention. On this day, you can do something special for your pet, like taking them on a long walk, playing with them more than usual,


General care

Health & nutrition

What Is The Best Dry Dog Food For My Dog?

As a dog owner, you want to make sure your best friend is getting all the nutrition they need to maintain optimum health. However, there are dozens of types of dog food on the market, and trying to figure out which is truly the best for your pet can be overwhelming. How can you choose the “right” one? When it comes to finding the best dog food for your pup, there isn’t a one size fits all solution—each dog has unique dietary needs and preferences. There are also factors that affect you, such as storage needs, convenience, and cost, that you will need to consider. While thinking about these things, you will want to focus on three points concerning food quality to make your final decision: finding a trustworthy brand, that uses high quality, natural ingredients, and is scientifically proven to deliver health benefits your dog’s health. To determine if a brand is trustworthy or not, consider the fact that there is no legal requirement for pet foods to be veterinary or nutritionist formulated or approved. A company that believes in the quality and safety of its product will always go above and beyond the basics when it comes to ensuring that their product is of the highest quality nutrition with an unsurpassed commitment to food safety. Great ways to determine each company’s commitment in these areas include: How long have they been crafting pet nutrition? Do they have in

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