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The official Blog of Wellness Natural Pet Food

Welcome to your guide for all things pet. At Live Well, we’re giving our pet parents everything they need to show their pets the love and care they deserve—from articles on pet health, behavior and nutrition, to special offers on our Wellness products—we’ve got you covered.

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General care

Health & nutrition

New Dog Owner’s Guide

Taking on the responsibility of a new dog is a major commitment and one that will indeed change your life for the better. There are certain responsibilities that come with owning a dog and caring for them properly. Consider this your “New Dog Starter Kit” to caring for your new dog and keeping him healthy […]



General care

Health & nutrition

The Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Pet

There are many benefits to having your pets spayed or neutered. While it is indeed beneficial to both you and your pet, it is also considered to be an important responsibility as a pet owner. There is a reason, or many rather, why shelters require any animal to be spayed or neutered before being adopted out […]


Health & nutrition

Life stage

Our Checklist for New Kitten Owners

Congratulations! If you are reading this, chances are you are either a new owner of an adorable kitten or soon to be, and that is exciting news! Adopting a new kitten carries with it certain responsibilities, so we are here to help make the transition easier for you and your new furry friend. We are […]



Health & nutrition

Q&A: Does Your Pet Have Seasonal Allergies?

Pet Seasonal Allergies If you’re someone with seasonal allergies, you may be used to the influx of uncomfortable symptoms that arrive with the changing of the leaves in autumn and the sprouting of the grass in the spring. What you may not know is that it’s possible for your dog or cat to experience environmental […]


Health & nutrition

How to Transition Your Cat to Natural Wellness Kibble

Whenever introducing your cat to a new kibble, it’s a good idea to gradually transition to the new dry food recipe over a 7 – 10 day period. An extended transition time frame allows acceptance of the new flavor in the food bowl. And, it will also avoid potential stomach upsets that could cause diarrhea […]


Pet rescue & adoption

10 Ways to Help Your Dog Adoption Go Smoothly

When you rescue a dog from the shelter, you give him a second chance at life. Here are 10 ways you can get off on the right paw. 1– Talk with the shelter staff. Have them introduce you to their favorite dogs. Tell them what you’re looking for in a pet. Let them know what […]



Health & nutrition

Dog Park Etiquette: Playing By The Unwritten Rules

Dog parks – the social scene of the dog world. Taking your dog to a dog park is a great addition to their exercise routine and a great way for your dog to maintain healthy socialization skills. However, there is proper dog park etiquette to be considered when visiting the dog park. If you want the […]


Health & nutrition

Our Guide to Switching Your Cat’s Food

Cats are known as being picky eaters. If you want to switch your feline to a new food, we’ve got some tricks to get picky cats to convert.Upgrading your kitty’s diet is a great way to ensure she’s getting all of the nutrition she needs to both look and feel great. And as more pet […]

Behavior & training


General care

The Benefits Of Crate Training Your Dog

Many people refuse to crate or kennel-train their dogs because they feel the confinement is cruel but there are many benefits of crate training. A crate or kennel can give dogs a sense of security. Crate training done properly is also a highly effective management system that can be a lifesaver for dog owners. Like […]


Health & nutrition

Cat Feeding Guide: Wet & Dry Cat Food

There are advantages to feeding a cat a combination of both wet and dry food ensuring your feline enjoys the benefits both meal plans have to offer. Guide To Wet & Dry Cat Food • Dry food is very convenient to serve, especially if you cat is a nibbler and returns to her food bowl […]


Health & nutrition

Life stage

Why Adopt a Senior Dog?

When you adopt a Senior dog, you get all the benefits of a sweet, doggie companion without any of the headaches of potty training, chewing and mess-making so common to puppydom. Your senior adoptee will likely be well-mannered and will make an easy transition to your home. In honor of Senior Dog Month, Wellness shares […]



Pet rescue & adoption

How to Foster a Pet

Fostering a dog or cat can be a very rewarding experience. Many times, animal shelters rely on foster pet parents in emergency rescue situations. For example, a foster pet parent can prevent an animal from being euthanized by temporarily housing the pet until a safe option becomes available. They can help an animal recover from […]

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