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The official Blog of Wellness Natural Pet Food

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Health & nutrition

Is Your Dog at Risk of Frostbite? What Every Dog Lover Should Know

All you need do to do is look at a U.S. weather map or step outside to learn that nearly the entire country is experiencing uncommonly cold, freezing temperatures. It’s icy in Austin, snowy in Nashville and stormy up and down much of the East Coast. As you scramble to add layers of clothing this season, don’t […]



Pet safety

Traveling With Pets: A Safety Guide

If you’re a pet parent who also loves exploring, then you’ve probably thought about or have traveled with your pet. When you do travel with pets—be it in the car, on a plane or elsewhere, safety should always come first. Jan 2 is National Pet Travel Safety Day; we’re celebrating by sharing some of the […]


Health & nutrition

Life stage

How to Maintain Joint Health For Aging Dogs

Joint Health For Dogs As the days start to get colder many dog owners begin to notice that their dog shows signs of slowing down or experience increased difficulty moving around as freely as they would normally do. Whilst these joint and mobility issues can affect dogs of any age and size the most prevalent groups include those […]



General care

Health & nutrition

Are You Doing These 6 Things to Keep Your Pet Healthy?

Your Pet Health Checklist for a Healthy Pet Chances are, you know your pet needs regular wellness care, good food, and exercise to stay healthy. But did you ever wonder if there was a “Healthy Pet Checklist?” These six items form the basis of good health and will help your pet thrive. Let’s take a quick […]


General care

Health & nutrition

How to Know if Your Cat is Happy

If you’re a cat parent, then you know cats are very good at keeping us guessing. Are they happy, annoyed, secretly plotting our demise? Maybe they’re just sleepy. Cats are very different than dogs and require some important things to keep them at their quirkiest. Here’s what we’ve identified as the pillars of cat happiness, and […]



Pet rescue & adoption

Lending a Hand for Hurricane Harvey Pets

In September, eight fellow WellPet employees and I had the amazing opportunity to travel directly into hard-hit Houston, Texas, to care for pets displaced by Hurricane Harvey. With only two days of prep time, we packed our bags and made arrangements for our own pets while we’d be away. We had some expectations, but nothing could’ve […]




20 Best Social Media Sites for Pet Owners

With the point behind social media being to engage with people of like interests, it makes sense that there are countless social media sites and accounts that pet owners can follow to get tips, share photos and videos, and to get information from other pet owners. Catster & Dogster are the Websites for All Things […]



Pet safety

Keep Your Pets Safe This July 4th

Cookouts, parades, and fireworks are mainstays of July 4th celebrations but they’re not so fun for your dogs and cats. Since dogs and cats often panic at loud noises – vacuum cleaners, thunder – it should be no surprise that fireworks won’t be fun for them. Yet, every July 4th, well-meaning pet lovers, take their […]



Health & nutrition

Common Cancer Symptoms In Dogs and Cats

Symptoms Of Cancer In Dogs And Cats 50% of senior dogs develop cancer. The number isn’t quite as high for cats but it does happen. Like with people, there are a variety of cancers that can affect your beloved pet and as you probably know, many cancers can be treated if caught early. There are […]


Health & nutrition

Why Do Cats Seem More Finicky Than Dogs When it Comes to Food?

Pam Johnson-Bennett is a certified cat behavior consultant, best-selling author of 10 books and host of Animal Planet UK’s Psycho Kitty. With the release of her latest book, CatWise, she is currently on the national CatWise Cat Cafe Tour presented by Wellness. Cartoons and social media memes often portray the finicky feline image. It’s common […]


Health & nutrition

Finding Food Your Cat Will Love

Pam Johnson-Bennett is a certified cat behavior consultant, best-selling author of 10 books and host of Animal Planet UK’s Psycho Kitty. With the release of her latest book, CatWise, she is currently on the national CatWise Cat Cafe Tour presented by Wellness. Are you unsure whether your cat likes her food? Maybe you can’t figure […]




10 Ways To Celebrate National Pet Day

Since 2006, April 11th has been celebrated as National Pet Day. This day was brought about to highlight the unconditional love that pets bring to our lives and also to encourage and raise awareness for animal adoption. There are so many animals around the world who are sitting in shelters, waiting to be given a […]

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