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The official Blog of Wellness Natural Pet Food

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Behavior & training



6 Proven Breed Stereotypes from a Professed Siamese Cat Fanatic

Maria is a graphic designer at WellPet. When she isn’t working and cuddling with her Siamese Mogwaii, you can most likely find her at a concert or local Pure Barre studio. 1. They’re one of the oldest and most recognizable cat breeds. Breed variations include Blue, Chocolate and Lilac Siamese cats. Mogwaii is a Lilac […]



Pet safety

A Veterinarian’s Top 5 Easter Hazards for Pets

Spring is here and nothing is more wonderful than the warmer weather, amazing flower blooms, open grass fields, trips to the park, long blissful walks and runs, and Easter! There is just something about Easter that brings a sense of warmth, color, and vibrancy to the air. I love the bright color decorations, the beautiful […]



Health & nutrition

Your Complete Pet Poison Prevention Guide

March is Pet Poison Prevention Month. There are many foods, chemicals, and other materials around your house that are safe for you but not for your pets. Print this one-page at-a-glance guide and hang it on your fridge for a year-round reminder of the foods and substances to keep away from your pets. Foods & […]



General care

Health & nutrition

How to Find a Pet Sitter You’ll Feel Great About

When pet owners travel, they cannot always take their four-legged family members and when such occasions arise, pet owners need to be able to have a reliable caretaker available for their pets if they do not want to board their pets. Many pet owners rely on neighbors to watch their pets while they are away […]



Health & nutrition

Dr. Danielle’s Ultimate Guide to Getting your Pet in Shape in 2018

This year, you may be working towards some health and fitness goals. But what about Sparky? You may not know, but our dogs and cats are now larger than ever before. What we may consider cute and cuddly is fast becoming an alarming statistic. 54% of dogs and 59% of cats are classified as overweight […]


Health & nutrition

Life stage

Dr. Danielle’s Key Puppy Development Stages

From the day you bring your puppy home to the day you celebrate their first birthday, your new puppy’s growth and development is nothing short of impressive. Starting as a tiny bundle of fluff that can barely open his eyes and growing into a whirlwind of puppy energy that never seems to sit still, a […]


Health & nutrition

Life stage

Puppy Training Tips: 4 Ways To Reduce Training Stress

A well-trained puppy with great social skills in guaranteed to have a great social life because good manners opens doors ensuring he will be welcome everywhere. 1. Start Training Early It’s important to start young. Dog trainers say that the puppy stage between five weeks and twenty weeks is critical because that’s when the dog […]

Dental health


What You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Doggy Dental Health

In 2017, the top diagnosis made by US Veterinarians for dogs was dental disease, a problem so widespread it now affects 4 out of 5 dogs over three. Contributing to this epidemic is the lack of daily dental care for dogs, the increase of small breeds and older dogs that are more predisposed to dental […]


Health & nutrition

Life stage

Preparing Your Home for a New Puppy

A new puppy! Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of fun as your exuberant pup turns your home and yard into an exciting adventure playground seeking out fun stuff to explore — and chew. Puppy Proof Your Home Just like small children and crawling babies, puppies are driven by curiosity. Before you bring your new […]


Health & nutrition

How To Help A Stressed Out Cat

Types of Stress in Cats: Acute stress This is something cat parents more easily recognize in cats. Just picture your cat on the veterinarian’s exam table or remember the day you brought home a second pet or moved to a new house. Chronic stress This can easily be overlooked. This is the day-to-day stress that […]

Behavior & training


How to Choose a Professional Dog Trainer You’re Comfortable With

By Stephanie Du Preez, Great Dog Rescue The start of a new year can mean a fresh slate and a chance to improve the relationship you have with your dog. One great way to do this is by signing your dog up for professional training. If you’ve ever sought professional training for your dog in […]

Behavior & training


General care

5 of the Most Common Cat Behaviors Explained

Most cats are beloved furry members of the family but even though they are adored, they can also leave the human members of the family frustrated and confused by behaviors that don’t seem to make sense. What we label as misbehavior or random behavior is just miscommunication between the cat and human. All behaviors make […]

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