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Pet safety

Holiday Safety Tips For Pets

‘Tis the season for giving and good cheer as well as for decorating our homes with lights, live trees, pretty plants, and more. Though beautiful, these holiday additions can pose significant health threats to pets. Learn what holiday decorations are dangerous by following these holiday safety tips for pets, so you can deck the halls beautifully and worry-free. Central to most homes during the holidays is a Christmas tree, and many like to decorate with a live tree. If you prefer live to faux, here are some dangers your tree may pose for your pet: Tree water: Stagnant tree water breeds bacteria, which, if consumed, could make your pet sick. Tree water can also contain fertilizer or other contaminants harmful to your pet. Lastly, any additives you put in tree water can make your pet sick if consumed. Tree needles: Tree needles and branches can cause blockages that often need surgical intervention if consumed. Tree flocking: Who doesn’t love a white Christmas? Flocking is pretty, but it’s mildly toxic to cat’s and dog’s if consumed. Falling trees: Cat and dog owners should anchor their real or faux tree to the ceiling to prevent their pets from knocking it over. The falling tree can hurt your pet, but spilled water and other debris can make for a tempting snack before you’re able to tidy the wreckage. Never mind that broken ornaments and accessible wiring pose their own problems. Red, white, and pink


Health & nutrition

Seasonal tips

10 Foods Your Dog Shouldn’t Eat On Thanksgiving

Autumn is here and the feeling of fall is in the air. Pumpkin spice is on every menu, the air is cool, the leaves are extraordinary colors, and Thanksgiving planning has begun! I don’t know about you, but Thanksgiving is one of my all-time favorite holidays. And as much as we all love the amazing Thanksgiving food and festivities, so do our pets. My dog Dory sits patiently in the kitchen all day while I prepare Thanksgiving dinner for our family waiting for me to drop a piece of turkey or offer some mashed potatoes. Unfortunately, as a small animal veterinarian, this is a common time of year when I see many emergencies from pets eating “human” food that can cause illness. So today, I would like to take a moment to discuss the typical autumn foods that dogs shouldn’t eat on Thanksgiving, what clinical signs that you may see, and what you need to do if your pet eats any of these foods. I know…who knew? These food items are commonly used in preparing Thanksgiving dinner. Cats are actually more susceptible to the toxic effects of onions, garlic, and chives; however, dogs are also at risk. The toxicity causes a condition called hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by the bursting of red blood cells circulating through your pet’s body. Ingestion can also cause less critical side effects such as gastrointestinal irritation. Toxicity is normally diagnosed through history, clinical signs


Health & nutrition

Life stage

How to Maintain Joint Health For Aging Dogs

As the days start to get colder many dog owners begin to notice that their dog shows signs of slowing down or experience increased difficulty moving around as freely as they would normally do. Whilst these joint and mobility issues can affect dogs of any age and size the most prevalent groups include those who are older, overweight or obese or those from larger breeds. There are many conditions that can present as joint health challenges and left untreated these conditions often exacerbate over time leading to long-term mobility and general health issues that can significantly impact a dog’s quality of life. Affecting 1 in 5 dogs, the most common cause of a mobility issue is osteoarthritis which may affect more than one joint and is highly predisposed in a joint that has been impacted by age, trauma or genetics. Reluctance to stand Difficulty walking and climbing stairs Lameness/limping Stiffness Sudden weight gain Moving slower/low activity level Cautious when walking Change in behavior/hesitant to play Treating and supporting dogs with joint health and mobility issues is exceptionally important. Conditions like osteoarthritis are chronic diseases that become progressive due to its nature of causing degenerative changes to the structure and function of the cartilage within the joint. There are several treatment options available that will vary dependent upon the cause and severity of a dog’s condition as well as most importantly the recommendation from their veterinarian. The treatment choices include pain relief and anti-inflammatories to help them



General care

Health & nutrition

Are You Doing These 6 Things to Keep Your Pet Healthy?

Chances are, you know your pet needs regular wellness care, good food, and exercise to stay healthy. But did you ever wonder if there was a “Healthy Pet Checklist?” These six items form the basis of good health and will help your pet thrive. Let’s take a quick look: Your pet should have a yearly vet checkup that includes dental cleaning, updated vaccines, and heartworm test. The types of vaccines your dog or cat will vary depending on their age, where you live, and your lifestyle. For example, while the rabies vaccine is recommended everywhere by law for both dogs and cats, your veterinarian may only recommend the Bordetella (kennel cough) vaccine if your dog is around other dogs frequently. Your veterinarian will help you set a vaccination schedule that makes sense for your pets. It extends their life expectancy and helps prevent overpopulation. While most pet parents think of spaying and neutering as a responsible way to prevent unwanted litters, you may not realize it also protects against certain types of cancers. For example, spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer in females and neutering helps prevent testicular cancer in males. Veterinarians recommend keeping your dogs and cats on year-round heartworm and flea & tick control. Yes, even if you live in colder areas of the country, ticks can still lurk outside your door just waiting for an opportunity to latch onto Rover when you go out for a


General care

Health & nutrition

How to Know if Your Cat is Happy

If you’re a cat parent, then you know cats are very good at keeping us guessing. Are they happy, annoyed, secretly plotting our demise? Maybe they’re just sleepy. Cats are very different than dogs and require some important things to keep them at their quirkiest. Here’s what we’ve identified as the pillars of cat happiness, and some tips to ensure your feline is satisfied: Even if your cat is older, he or she still needs mental (and physical) stimulation. You can help by playing with your cat on a regular basis. Like people, cats have their preferences so try out a few different toys to see what your cat prefers. Is it catnip stuffed mice, dangling string, or chasing a laser pointer? via GIPHY When you get your kitty playing, you strengthen your bond, stimulate their brain, and even help them get a bit of exercise. This latter is no small feat since most cats spend around 20 hours a day sleeping and the other four are divided between eating and grooming. Yes, your cat is probably excellent at grooming him or herself. When they aren’t napping, they’re probably grooming. However, you can help loosen dead skin and fur by using a brush or comb on your cat every few days. Not to mention, brushing your cat is a key way to prevent the dreaded hairball. It’s usually best to wait until your kitty is relaxed before you start your brushing.



Pet rescue & adoption

Lending a Hand for Hurricane Harvey Pets

In September, eight fellow WellPet employees and I had the amazing opportunity to travel directly into hard-hit Houston, Texas, to care for pets displaced by Hurricane Harvey. With only two days of prep time, we packed our bags and made arrangements for our own pets while we’d be away. We had some expectations, but nothing could’ve fully readied us for the experience. In our own words, here’s a recap of our volunteer trip with Best Friends Animal Society: A lot of effort goes into caring for the animals. There were over 400 animals. When we first arrived, there weren’t enough volunteers, and the staff was so excited that we brought a group to help. Right away, we started building dog runs─ either 4 x 4 ft or 4 x 8 ft. for different sized dogs. Working at Wellness Pet Food, pet health is something we talk about every day. The food we make is high quality and helps pets be at their best health. But caring directly for animals in less fortunate situations was a really important experience. – Carly W., WellPet Marketing We met a family on the airplane who lost their home. They had five feet of water in their house. They made it out with their four pets, but so many pets weren’t so lucky. –Emily O., WellPet Research & Development They don’t understand what happened so they end up feeling lost and abandoned. I was thrilled when I




20 Best Social Media Sites for Pet Owners

With the point behind social media being to engage with people of like interests, it makes sense that there are countless social media sites and accounts that pet owners can follow to get tips, share photos and videos, and to get information from other pet owners. Catster & Dogster are the Websites for All Things Cats & Dogs Catster and Dogster are two different websites both equally devoted to all things cats and dogs. Sign up for e-mails, ask questions and get answers about your pet, view pet photos, get tips for taking pet photos, watch videos, and more on the sites. Keep up with the latest feline pictures and news on the Catster Facebook and Twitter pages and with canines on the Dogster Facebook and Twitter pages. Twitter’s All a Twitter for Cats & Dogs Speaking of Twitter, the site is great for seeing the cutest, funniest, and cleverest pet photos and videos around. Start following these profiles to stay social with your pet: The essential sites are @dogs for all things dogs and @cats for all things cats. Keep up with the world’s most “memed” cat, Grumpy Cat by following @RealGrumpyCat Check out the cutest rescuers ever, Emergency Pugs @EmergencyPugs Follow professional pooches on @DogsTrust (#dogtrust; #adogisforlife; #dogsatpollingstations) Crossover social media platforms by following Cats of Instagram on Twitter @catsofinstagram Finally, share your own pet tweets with the world using the hashtags #CatsofTwitter or #DogsofTwitter. Pets with Insta-Fame



Pet safety

Keep Your Pets Safe This July 4th

Cookouts, parades, and fireworks are mainstays of July 4th celebrations but they’re not so fun for your dogs and cats. Since dogs and cats often panic at loud noises – vacuum cleaners, thunder – it should be no surprise that fireworks won’t be fun for them. Yet, every July 4th, well-meaning pet lovers, take their pups to fireworks celebrations or let their pets run loose at home. Many of these animals panic and run. They’ll run through open doors or gates, down the street and get disoriented because of all over town, these mini-explosions are happening. Imagine the nightmare. Many of these animals will end up at a pet shelter, lost and confused. Sadly, only a small percentage will make it back home. This year, the holiday is on a Tuesday which means the celebrations are likely to start days early and it’s a good idea to think about your pet’s safety ahead of time. You might even establish ground rules with your family. Dog and Cat Pet Safety Tips Secure Them Since you know Fluffy and Max are terrified by fireworks, make sure you have a secure location for them in the evenings. Some animals like their crate, if that’s the case, you can put your pet in his or her crate before the fireworks start, put a towel or blanket over the crate for an added feeling of protection, and play some quiet music. If your pet isn’t



Health & nutrition

How CORE RawRev Compares to Similar Products

High protein and carbohydrates indicate that bites are 100% meat. Low fat and high protein:fat ratio indicate that bites are made with lean meat, which promotes optimal body condition. Check out these tasty new recipes Do you have additional questions on CORE RawRev? We’d love to chat. Contact Us.



Health & nutrition

Health issues / sickness

Common Cancer Symptoms In Dogs and Cats

50% of senior dogs develop cancer. The number isn’t quite as high for cats but it does happen. Like with people, there are a variety of cancers that can affect your beloved pet and as you probably know, many cancers can be treated if caught early. There are a few symptoms that specifically skew toward cancer which I’ll share in a moment. Unfortunately, the other cancer symptoms can seem a little generic – weight loss, change in energy levels, etc. so don’t panic if your pet shows these signs, but do make an appointment with your veterinarian to have your pet evaluated. One common cancer for both dogs and cats is lymphoma, this is a cancer of the lymph nodes which are located throughout your pet’s body. The lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system which works to filter toxic substances out of the body. Individual lymph nodes can swell up to be the size of golf balls so they can be very noticeable. In cats, lymphoma is linked to feline leukemia virus. There’s a vaccination against feline leukemia, which can protect your cat. Mast cell cancer is a type of skin cancer that can create noticeable lesions on your pet’s body. Now, since skin problems is one of those “generic” concerns that can mean all kinds of things, you’ll want a specialist to evaluate your pet. Plus, since this is a kind of cancer with multiple classifications, finding



Health & nutrition

Why Do Cats Seem More Finicky Than Dogs When it Comes to Food?

Pam Johnson-Bennett is a certified cat behavior consultant, best-selling author of 10 books and host of Animal Planet UK’s Psycho Kitty. With the release of her latest book, CatWise, she is currently on the national CatWise Cat Cafe Tour presented by Wellness. Cartoons and social media memes often portray the finicky feline image. It’s common to see the picture of a cat turning his nose up at the vast array of food his loving cat parent has set out for him in a desperate attempt to please the picky kitty. You don’t see those images of dogs very much at all though. Fido comes running at record speed, leaping over furniture to get to his bowl of food, no matter what kind is being served. So, are some cats really finicky? If so, what contributes to the behavior? Here are some reasons why it may happen and what you can do to help prevent the behavior. Cats are Creatures of Habit Finicky eating may happen as a result of a sudden change in meals. Cats take comfort in familiarity and that applies to just about everything in their life – territory, the litter box, where they sleep, and yes, their food. When a cat goes to his food bowl he expects the meal to smell and taste the same as previous meals. Even the texture of the food is important. If you make a drastic change, especially going from one



Health & nutrition

Finding Food Your Cat Will Love

Pam Johnson-Bennett is a certified cat behavior consultant, best-selling author of 10 books and host of Animal Planet UK’s Psycho Kitty. With the release of her latest book, CatWise, she is currently on the national CatWise Cat Cafe Tour presented by Wellness. Are you unsure whether your cat likes her food? Maybe you can’t figure out what her body language is saying as you prepare and serve the meal? Here are some signs that indicate your cat is giving her seal of approval. Keep in mind that your cat may not do all the following behaviors, especially if she is not as mobile, has a medical condition or impairment. Every cat is an individual but the following list sums up the typical behaviors cats show when they’re happy and content with their food. Your cat instantly appears when you’re preparing food. No matter where she is in the house, she suddenly shows up when you open the can, pouch or bag of food. As you prepare food, your cat weaves around your legs, reaches up and stretches against you or even jumps on the kitchen counter in anxious anticipation. Your cat purrs or meows as food is being prepared. She does a “happy” walk to the bowl with an upright tail. There’s no slinking body posture or hesitation. She may chirp or let out a happy “mew” as she heads to the bowl. The cat’s ears are forward or relaxed

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