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The official Blog of Wellness Natural Pet Food

Welcome to your guide for all things pet. At Live Well, we’re giving our pet parents everything they need to show their pets the love and care they deserve—from articles on pet health, behavior and nutrition, to special offers on our Wellness products—we’ve got you covered.

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How to Transition Your Cat to Natural Wellness® Kibble

So you have made the decision to provide your cat with natural Wellness® cat kibble! That is the first step, but now you need to get your cat to eat it, and sometimes that can be even more challenging than trying to find the best formula to feed. With cats, the best thing to keep in mind is “slow and steady wins the race”. Whenever you are introducing your cat to a new food, it’s a good idea to gradually transition to the new food recipe over a 7 – 10 day period. An extended transition time frame allows acceptance of the new flavor in the food bowl. And, it will also avoid potential stomach upsets that could cause diarrhea or vomiting as a slow changeover allows the digestive system to adjust to new ingredients. Add about 10% of the new kibble to the bowl every day. If after a few days, your cat notices the difference and there are signs of resistance, reduce the new food by 10%, and, if necessary, hold off on the transition for a couple days before trying again. There is no rush! In fact, cats differ from dogs during the transition of food, and some will refuse to eat to the point of making themselves ill, so make sure they are always eating a good portion of the food or take a step back in the transition for a few days. At the same


Cat dental

Dental care

General care

The Basics of Cat Dental Care: Keep Your Feline Friend’s Smile Bright

Cats are known for their independence, agility, and adorable whiskers, but their tendency for dental challenges is often overlooked. Cats tend to hide pain and discomfort, and they are not as likely to lick your face like dogs may, exposing foul-smelling breath that can tip you off to dental disease. Since cats often mask the signs of dental disease, it is important for pet parents to be diligent in knowing what to look for in potential problems and how to prevent them. Dental problems are very common in cats, with some studies reporting more than 70% of adult cats experience dental disease. The most common forms of these diseases are largely preventable or treatable with appropriate preventive dental care and monitoring, but unfortunately, less than 20% of pet parents regularly clean their cat’s teeth.1 Dental diseases can lead to pain, infection, and even affect their overall health. Bacteria from dental disease can spread systemically to the kidneys, heart, and liver. In addition to preventing systemic problems, good dental health is also essential to ensure that cats can comfortably obtain the necessary nutrition to support them throughout life. Recognizing the signs of dental problems in your cat is the first step in providing proper care. One of the first signs may be bad breath. Bad breath, also called “halitosis,” can be caused by a variety of factors other than dental disease, but by far, the most common reason is poor dental



Health & nutrition

Protein Packed and Wholesome: Unveiling the Benefits of Beef Based Dog Food

As devoted pet owners, we all share the same goal: providing the best for our canine companions. When it comes to choosing the perfect diet for your four-legged friend, we want to offer the most nutritious diet possible. However, it’s not just about the nutritional content either—we also want to see them excited about their meals. There are few joys as genuine as when dogs spin in circles and drool in anticipation while you get their dinner ready. We have good news! Wellness has combined innovative nutrition science with the classic great taste of beef in the new Wellness CORE + Beef & Barley and Wellness Complete Health Beef & Barley Kibble with beef as the #1 ingredient. Beef provides the rich, savory goodness that stands the test of time and science. According to a palatability study to see what type of meat dogs like best, beef emerged as the winner against lamb, chicken, and other meats. Nutritional Benefits of Wellness Beef Kibble Varieties Beyond its alluring taste, beef boasts a myriad of nutritional benefits. As a rich source of highly digestible essential amino acids (the building block of proteins), beef provides the ingredients needed for the growth and repair of lean muscles, organs, and enzymes in dogs. The benefit of protein isn’t limited to muscles either. Protein plays a major role in healthy skin & coat since hair is composed of mainly protein. Protein also supports immune health by


Digestive health


Health & nutrition

The Importance of Gut Health for Dogs and Cats

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, once famously declared, “all disease begins in the gut.” “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Over two thousand years later, it seems that modern science is beginning to catch up with him, as increasing evidence is emerging of the vital role that the gut, and more specifically, the microbiome – the trillions of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other organisms living within it – can have on the mental and physical wellbeing of not only humans but also our dogs and cats. When it comes to maintaining good health, there is nothing more important than a healthy gut. Once considered a relatively “simple” body system, comprising essentially of one long tube through which food would pass, be absorbed, and then excreted, the digestive system today is recognized for doing so much more than just digesting and eliminating food. Inside it’s winding tubes lives a whole ecosystem of organisms that work together to keep an individual healthy. Just like any other living organism, you need to create the right conditions and provide a supply of good food to keep them going and the microbiome is no different. Optimizing the balance of the trillions of organisms living in the digestive system is key to true gut health and the secret to helping all pets achieve a lifetime of wellbeing. The term “gut microbiome” refers specifically to the trillions of microorganisms living in the intestinal tract. While some microorganisms are harmful to our pet’s health, many are incredibly beneficial and even necessary to a healthy body. At birth, a pet’s microbiome is the result of genetics, but external factors come into play as soon as the puppy or kitten begins interacting with the outside world. As




Seasonal tips

Pet Holiday Wishlist: Top Gifts for Dogs and Cats

Deck the halls with Santa Claws holiday decorations, hang the personalized dog stockings with care, and bring out all the cute cat and dog holiday wrapping paper—because it’s time for the whole family to get in the holiday spirit. And while your favorite four-legged friend would be just as happy to celebrate with the usual love and hugs…and maybe an extra treat or two…why not treat your BFF to something extra with a special holiday present under the tree? From interactive toys to nutritious treats, and all sorts of cat and dog accessories in between, we’ve worked with our team of pet experts to put together a nice list of holiday gifts for dogs and cats that is sure to make every day that much happier. First things first, let’s start with one of the most important times of day: meal time! When it comes to cat or dog holiday presents that can make one of the best times of day even better, we’re all about increasing the enrichment and happiness of your pet so they can join in on the holiday excitement with one of the gift ideas below. Top Dog Gift STARMARK Treat Dispensing Bob-A-Lot™ Dog Toy This safe and adjustable treat or food dispensing toy will keep your pup happily hunting for more all meal time long. It’s big enough to fit their whole meal inside and durable enough to withstand even the most enthusiastic of eaters.



Seasonal tips

Yuletide Tails: Capturing the Perfect Dog Christmas Card Photo

Behind every great dog Christmas card photo is often a memorable (hopefully a good one!) story of how that holiday photo came to be. Whether Bingo was feeling naughty or nice that day, odds are it took a lot more than one photo to get THE one. But there are a few tips and tricks you can try the next time you’re trying to get that perfect festive dog image in a few less shots—along with a couple of dog Christmas card photo ideas to get you in the spirit. Consider it our gift to you and yours! 1. Practice Makes Perfect – It’s not a marathon (although it might feel like it…), but it’s helpful to train for the big day. Work on “sit” and “stay” commands, get them used to any festive apparel they’ll be sporting, and even start taking more pictures than usual (if that’s even possible!). And, of course, give treats as rewards to start creating warm and fuzzy associations with the whole idea of Christmas card poses with your dog. When it’s time to snap the actual photo, get them ready, give the command, take the photo, then reward them with a special treat like Old Mother Hubbard® Winter Fun P-Nuttier® Oven-Baked Dog Biscuits. 2. Natural Light Is Your Furry Friend’s Friend – No matter your chosen location, great natural lighting will make for a great outdoor or indoor Christmas portrait with pets. If outdoors,



General care

Pet safety

How to maintain a pet-friendly home for the holidays

Creating a pet friendly home for the holidays is important to ensure your furry friends can enjoy the festivities while staying safe and comfortable. All the sights, sounds, food, and guests visiting may be fun and exciting for us, but this is a huge change in routine for our furry friends. Here are some tips for a pet friendly holiday season: Pet Friendly Tree: Ensure the tree is securely anchored to prevent tipping. Place fragile ornaments higher up on the tree where pets can’t reach them and avoid using glass ornaments altogether. Keeping a pet from drinking Christmas tree water is important because the water may contain chemicals, preservatives, or bacteria from the tree, which can be harmful to your pet’s health. Consider placing a barrier around the tree with a pet gate or create a physical barrier around the base of the tree to keep your pet away from the tree stand and its water. If you use additives in the tree water to prolong its freshness, ensure that they are safe for pets. Pet Safe Plants: Introducing pet safe plants into your home during the holidays can add a festive touch while ensuring the safety of your furry friends. Some popular and non-toxic options include Christmas cacti, spider plants, and Boston ferns. These plants not only bring a touch of greenery to your décor but also offer a safe holiday environment for pets. However, it’s crucial to remain


Old mother hubbard

Pet recipe

Seasonal tips

Frozen Yogurt Peanut Butter Bark Recipe

As the holiday season approaches, our furry companions deserve a special treat that not only tantalizes their taste buds but also keeps their tails wagging with joy. Say hello to a delightful and easy-to-make indulgence for your four-legged friends – our dog-friendly Frozen Yogurt Peanut Butter Bark! This no-bake recipe is not only a breeze to prepare but is also a fantastic way to show your pup some extra love during this festive time. ⅔ cup plain Greek yogurt 2 tbsp creamy peanut butter 10-12 Wellness Old Mother Hubbard P-Nuttier Winter Fun treats ⅓ cup mixed frozen berries Feel free to add any other dog-safe toppings that your dog enjoys, such as diced apples, shredded carrots, or sliced bananas. Frozen Yogurt Peanut Butter Bark Recipe 1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside. 2. In a small mixing bowl, mix together the Greek yogurt and peanut butter until creamy and well combined. 3. Spread the yogurt and peanut butter mixture into a thin, even layer, about 1/8th inch thick, on the parchment paper lined baking sheet. 4. Gently press the Old Mother Hubbard treats and frozen berries into the yogurt mixture. 5. Freeze for at least 2 hours, or until the yogurt is frozen solid. 6. Break up into large chunks with your hands. Make sure to tag us in your Wellness Old Mother Hubbard pup bakery treats on Instagram and TikTok!




2nd Annual #TrickorTreatThemWell Pet Costume Contest

Wellness Pet Company celebrated Halloween this year with our 2nd Annual #TrickorTreatThemWell Costume Contest. We put out a call for submissions of pictures of your furry friends in their best Halloween attire, and we got so many great entries! Thank you to all who submitted your pawesome photos! The results are in, and we’re pleased to announce the winners of each category that will receive a spooktacular prize! Congratulations to all the winners! Looking forward to seeing what you all have up your sleeve for next year! Dog Category: Dogs: Birdie & Bogey Costume: Peaky Barkers Cat Category: Cat: Bongo Costume: “Revenge on last year’s lobster costume” Pet & Pet Parent Category: Human: Lynn Guerrero Dogs: Dodger & Mochi Costume: In-N-Out Burger



Seasonal tips

Gratitude Walks: A Thanksgiving Tradition for You and Your Dog

This year, go one step beyond telling your dog thank you around the Thanksgiving table—show them with a gratitude walk, or a walking meditation, before and/or after the big meal. Easy, just walk like your dog. When a dog’s on a walk, they’re on a walk. Mind, body—nose, especially! It’s admirable, really. They don’t have their doggy phones out. They aren’t distracted by anything other than everything currently around them. The sights, sounds, smells (oh, the smells!), the ground beneath their paws. We could all stand to take our dog’s lead when it comes to how we walk. And there’s no better time to start than with our dogs and gratitude on Thanksgiving! 1. Be fully present with your dog. They may not look like the portrait of a peaceful meditating dog with their wildly panting tongue flapping about, but you can be sure your dog is in the moment and experiencing what’s around them in every possible sense. Do the same (with or without your tongue out). 2. Share 3 things you’re grateful for—silently or out loud to your pup. The 3 things can be about your dog, the meditating walk, life in general, or this year’s doggy Thanksgiving day in particular. Mix it up every walk. 3. Tell your dog thank you when you get home. You’ve just shared a pretty special time together, improving the health and happiness of your hearts, bodies, and minds. Not to mention,


Pet safety

Seasonal tips

Thanksgiving With Pets: How To Include Fido In The Feast

Finally! The post your pup has been waiting for all year. Let’s talk about how to safely and satisfyingly include one of the hungriest members of the family in one of the most delicious days of the year: Thanksgiving with pets! When Thanksgiving rolls around, two of the main attractions we think of on the table are ham and turkey. So it comes as no surprise that some of the main questions pet parents have when cooking Thanksgiving with dogs are…can dogs eat ham? Or can dogs eat turkey bones? Your dog, of course, would say, “Meat and bones? Um, yes and yes.” But unfortunately for Fido, that salty ham and splintering cooked turkey bone are off the menu when it comes to recommended Thanksgiving pet safety tips. Fortunately for your furry friend, there are plenty of ways they can safely participate in the family meal. We’ll help make sure of it—with these dog friendly Thanksgiving recipes. Ground turkey 93/7, raw, unseasoned: ¼ cup White potatoes, raw, peeled and cut into 1-2 inch chunks: ¼ cup Carrots, raw and cut into 1-2 inch chunks: ¼ cup Brussels sprouts, raw, quartered: ¼ cup Pork tenderloin, raw, cut into 1-2 inch chunks: ¼ cup Sweet potatoes, raw, peeled and cut into 1-2 inch chunks: ¼ cup Green beans, raw, cut into 1-2 inch long segments: ¼ cup Butternut squash, raw, cut into 1-2 inch chunks: ¼ cup Peel the white/sweet potatoes, and



Health & nutrition

High Moisture Diets In Addition To Kibble For Cats

When it comes to taking care of your kitty and making sure that they have everything they need to live a happy and healthy life, cat hydration is high on the list of factors to consider. Feeding them high moisture cat food, even if they primarily eat kibble, can offer numerous benefits to their overall health and wellbeing. Cats evolved from desert-dwelling ancestors and have a low thirst drive, which means they naturally obtain a significant portion of their hydration from the food they consume. A high-moisture diet helps to maintain proper hydration levels, which is essential for maintaining proper bodily functions, including digestion, temperature regulation, and urinary tract health. Adding moisture to a cat’s diet, such as feeding them Wellness® wet cat food cans or pouches, it helps address their natural hydration needs more effectively compared to a strict dry kibble diet. Here are some potential benefits of wet cat food: Hydration: Adequate hydration is crucial for preventing dehydration. Have you ever noticed that your cat is not all that into drinking their water? Cats are not instinctively drawn to drink water like some other animals, which can lead to mild dehydration when consuming only dry kibble. Cats on a high- moisture diet consume more water through their food, helping compensate for their lower inclination to drink water directly from a bowl. A high-moisture diet helps to maintain proper hydration levels, which is essential for maintaining proper bodily functions,

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