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Behavior & training



The 10 Common Traits of Top-Notch Pet Sitters

There are times when you need a pet sitter, and it goes without saying that you want the person who watches your pet to be a top-notch pet sitter. Nothing is more distressing than coming home from vacation only to realize your pet’s litter box is full, or your pet’s water dish is dirty or empty, etc. Avoid those nightmare scenarios by finding a pet sitter who has all of these top-notch qualities. Top-notch pet sitters love animals. They might not be pet owners themselves because their children or partner has allergies, but they adore pets. It’s easy to recognize a pet lover because their entire demeanor lights up when they’re around animals. They aren’t faking their joy. A top-notch pet sitter has a flexible schedule, which means they are able to work with you and your needs. What is more, they know their schedule and capability and can be honest during your consultation if they can pet sit without much advanced notice. Ideally, pet sitting will be your pet sitter’s only job as this allows for maximum flexibility. Top-notch pet sitters are educated. They know about different pet breeds, their specific physical needs and their nutritional needs. They are aware of animal resources in your community such as vet clinics, pet stores, pet-friendly parks, etc. They are knowledgeable about different threats to your pet (such as icy weather or ice melts to dog’s paws) and know how to prepare. They


Health & nutrition

Health issues / sickness

How To Tell If Your Dog Has Dog Food Allergies

Confusing food allergies with food sensitivities (or intolerances) is a common mistake by pet parents. Whilst food allergies and food sensitivities have very different causes, the outward symptoms are very similar. However, it is important to differentiate true food allergies from food sensitives to best help Fido avoid skin and digestive upsets. Dog Food Allergies: A true food allergy occurs when the immune system mistakenly identifies a particular food ingredient as harmful and subsequently commences an immune response. True food allergies are much less frequent that food sensitivities. In fact, studies indicate that of the total population of dogs who do suffer from allergies, only 10% of those dogs are suffering from food allergies and most reactions are due to far more prevalent causes including fleas, parasites and the environment. How To Tell If Your Dog Has Food Allergies: Intense itching Chronic ear inflammation Gastrointestinal problems (chronic diarrhea or gas) Skin redness Hair loss Whilst the ingredients that trigger an allergic response vary for every dog, the most common food allergens include beef, dairy, wheat, egg, chicken, lamb, soy, pork and corn. Food sensitivities are non-allergic reactions to a food that may present with as a cumulative response to an offending agent. Sensitivities can result from a pet being unable to properly digest certain ingredients such as meat proteins, dairy, grains, artificial colors, artificial flavors and chemical preservatives. The onset of food sensitivities typically occurs suddenly within 48 hours of

Behavior & training


Pet rescue & adoption

9 Dog Breed Personalities That Match Our Own

If you’ve ever heard a person say they like a particular type of dog, there could be a scientific reason behind it. Just as there are many different types of personalities, there are many different types of pet personalities, some of which are more compatible with yours than others. The good news is that it isn’t hard to find a dog that fits your personality. Many dogs are mixed-breeds (mutts), which means they have a combination of the best-of-the-best qualities from all of the breeds that influence their genetic make-up. Use this guide to figure out what primary doggy personality traits to look for when you want to bring a new friend home. This guide also highlights a few breeds that possess those traits as well as breed-specific rescues, making it easy for you to meet lots of new friendly faces and personalities that are just right for you. While everyone likes to let loose and have fun, you’re at your happiest when things are in order. You appreciate traditional values and respect hard work (you’re not afraid of hard work either). You believe everyone has a role to play to keep society operating well. Quiet-time with a good book or a favorite podcast is how you recharge. Your ideal dog will be confident and self-assured. Though possibly difficult to train at first, your ideal match will be respectful, reliable and polite once trained. Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Tibetan Spaniel, English

Dental health


What is National Pet Dental Health Month?

Celebrated every February, National Pet Dental Health Month was created by the American Veterinary Medical Association to highlight how important oral health is to overall health, happiness and wellbeing of your pet. If you don’t brush your pet’s teeth every day, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that only 2% of dog owners brush their dog’s teeth on daily despite recommendations from veterinarians across the US to do so. As a result, supplemental dog dental chews that are proven effective in fighting plaque and controlling tartar become an important part of a dog’s daily routine. Effective dental care is as critical for dogs as it is for humans. Neglecting oral hygiene in dogs can lead to issues like tartar build up, gum disease, bad breath and other larger health issues like heart disease, lung disease and kidney disease. According to US Veterinarians, periodontal disease, a gum disease caused by plaque and tartar buildup, is the most common dental condition for dogs, with 80% exhibiting evidence of the disease by age 3. When it comes to dental health care in dogs, offense is the best defense. Brushing your dog’s teeth and providing a daily dog dental chew are great ways to reduce plaque and tartar accumulation. While dog dental chews are not a replacement for teeth brushing, they are an easy, fun, delicious option to help care for your dog’s oral health on a daily basis. Dog dental chews like WHIMZEES allow




7 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ to Your Pet In Their Language

There are many ways you show your pet your love–by feeding them delicious, healthy food, by giving them gifts, by bathing them, by taking them to the vet, by petting and grooming them, by spending special time with them, by telling them and more; however, there are only a few ways for you to say “I love you” to your pet that they truly understand. Read on to learn seven ways for you to say “I love you” to your pet and for them to feel the meaning behind your expression. When it comes to communication, the most valuable skill anyone of any species can possess is listening. Obviously, dogs and cats can’t talk; they can’t say, “I’m happy,” or, “I’m sad,” or, “I’m feeling confused.” Instead, animals communicate via their many expressions. When you take the time to learn what your dog’s or cat’s expressions mean, you learn to listen to your pet, and if you consider that most people just want to heard, it’s safe to say most animals want to be (heard), too. They say the eyes are the windows of the soul, and this is true for animals and humans. Have you ever looked deep into the eyes of someone you love and felt a charge? Well, if so, then what you felt was a zing of oxytocin, a “feel good” chemical that is triggered when we feel strong feelings. As it turns out, if you


Health & nutrition

Life stage

How to Properly Introduce a New Puppy to Your Dog

Introducing a new puppy to your family is an exciting journey; one full of adventure, lessons, and laughs. And although dogs are pack-animals who are meant to live closely with other dogs, ensuring a seamless transition for each canine member can be overwhelming and confusing. But it doesn’t have to be! Our newest puppy, Kenai, is the fourth dog we have raised. Here are three things that have successfully helped our pack adjust (in the past and present) when introducing a new puppy to our dogs. Dogs crave structure in their lives, so having a consistent schedule is important. We strive to maintain our adult dogs’ day-to-day routine while balancing a puppy’s more demanding needs. Throughout the day we work to maintain mealtimes, potty breaks and exercise routines. We overlap where we can, and work the rest around their existing schedule. For instance, even though a puppy may eat three times a day in the beginning (and an adult dog only twice), try ensuring two of those meals are at the same time. Maintaining your adult dog’s expectations and schedule offers stability and peace of mind that you are still reliable and consistent – that the new ankle biter hasn’t taken over everything. In nature, raising puppies is a family ordeal. The responsibility of instilling manners, boundaries, and rules doesn’t fall solely on the mother – other adult dogs will help teach the little members of the pack how to



Health & nutrition

Clean Eating for Dogs: What’s It All About?

The Clean Eating trend has fast become one of the largest diet philosophies that people all around the word have adopted into their homes on their continuous quest to improve their health and wellbeing. Focused on fueling one’s body with real, whole foods and natural ingredients, Clean Eating has been associated with health benefits such as weight loss, increased energy levels and even as a solution of common ailments such as digestive and skin concerns. Clean eating for humans involves key principles that align with the basic practice of healthy eating: Eat real, whole food ingredients that nourish your body such as lean proteins, healthy fats, vegetables and fruits. These ingredients should be used to create balanced, healthy meals Avoid highly-processed and over-refined packaged foods, snacks, sweets and all items with a long list of ingredients or artificial colors, preservatives and flavors Get plenty of physical activity during the day, get enough sleep at night and manage stress in healthy ways. Absolutely! It goes without saying that dogs are not people. They have a unique set of nutritional needs that must be met to ensure their health and wellbeing; however, you can adopt similar Clean Eating principles for them as you do yourself. Focus on feeding them foods that are made from a simple recipe of whole foods with identifiable ingredients and are formulated to meet their nutritional needs without any artificial additives Clean eating is suitable for all dogs!



Seasonal tips

10 Valentine’s Day Gifts for Pet Lovers

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and you want to get your special someone a gift that shows just how much you understand what makes their heart sing—their pet. There is no better gift for a cat or dog lover than one that allows them to show off how much they love their pet. That’s why we made a list of 10 Valentine’s Day gifts for pet lovers that are as unique as their beloved pet. Custom dog or cat socks by is such a doggone cute idea. Available in an array of attractive colors, custom dog or cat socks allow you to upload a photo of your paramour’s pet and have the image of their head printed all over the sock amidst lightning bolts, dog bones, fishbones or other fun designs. These make a great gift because they’re not only personal and thoughtful, they’re also comfortable. For the altruistic dog lover who happens to be an environmentalist, rescued wine candles hit all the right notes. These handcrafted all-natural American soy wax candles are made from recycled wine bottles and feature wine-inspired scents. Even better, 10% of Rescued Wine’s annual profits go toward animal rescue organizations across the nation. A stylish, customizable throw pillow that allows you to define your love’s dog’s unique attributes is not only personal, it also encourages cuddling on the couch with the dog, and you of course. The pillow is available in five


General care

Health & nutrition

10 Things That Will Make Your Cat Happy

If you’re a cat owner, then you know that cats are generally beguiling, low-maintenance, inquisitive pets. They don’t ask for much, even on a day designated for kitty Q&A (January 22 is National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day). But if you’re like us, you’ll take any holiday dedicated to kitties as an opportunity to spoil them rotten. Here are our top ten ways to do just that: Cats love to groom their nails even if their only predator is the vacuum cleaner. This is why cats like to claw and pick at things like your couch, your leather loafers, your carpet, etc. Answer their question of, “What can I scratch without making you scream” by treating them to a deluxe scratching post. Cats love to preen and clean, but they aren’t as fond of hacking up hairballs. Help your cat out by brushing her on a regular basis. The extra attention and bonding time you two will have is just an added bonus. Cats enjoy treats just as much as the next pet, so treat your cat by getting them a new treat that’s not only healthy but also delicious and low in calories. Generally-speaking, cat toys aren’t very costly, and cats love playing with them. Toys are physically and mentally stimulating, so playing with them keeps your cat young, sharp and healthy. Water is essential for your cat’s health and happiness. Because cats are curious and playful, you can

Behavior & training


How to Train Your Dog to Walk on a Leash

January is not only National Train Your Dog Month, it’s National Walk Your Dog Month, and we’re celebrating by sharing tips on how you can train your dog to walk on a leash. While trained dogs make walking on a leash look like a breeze, the reality is that walking an untrained dog on a leash can be a major challenge. These training tips will help you teach your dog to walk on a leash, and give you the confidence to stick with this healthy habit throughout the year. Regardless of your dog’s age or previous leash exposure, all dogs can be taught to walk on a leash. Start simple. Start by exposing your dog to the leash. It’s recommended to let your dog wear her collar or harness with the leash around the house for brief periods of time to get her used to the sensation. You can give treats during this time, so that wearing the harness and leash has positive associations. One of the biggest struggles dog owners have is their dog pulling the leash or not following. While the dog is wearing the leash, practice getting him to come to you. Do this using cues. Cues should be audible sounds (like a click or a word) that you consistently use to indicate a behavior. When your dog obeys the cue, reward him with a treat. Eventually, he will come to understand what the cue means and



General care

Health & nutrition

10 Tips for Spending More Time with Your Pets in 2019

As you make your list of resolutions for 2019, add “spend more time with your dog” to the list because it’s not only a resolution that will be fun to keep, but it will most certainly guarantee you AND your pet are living your best life in 2019. Not sure how to spend more time with your pet? Let us count the ways… While this might not be doable for everyone, find out what your company’s policy on bringing pets to work is. If there doesn’t seem to be a problem, bring your pet to work from time-to-time if your pet has the temperament for such. Your pet will enjoy the bonus pats and belly rubs from co-workers while you’ll have the benefit of added time together. Never mind that animals in the workplace help to lower stress. Whether it’s doing outdoor yoga, jogging or something else, come up with a new fitness regimen that allows you to spend more time with your pet. While not all stores are pet-friendly, when you do go somewhere that is pet-friendly, bring your pet along. For example, taking your cat with you on a Saturday coffee run through the drive-through not only allows you to bond with your cat, but it also helps your cat acclimate to riding in the car which will come in handy when you have to take them to the vet. Get on your pet’s level and take more photos



Health & nutrition

Life stage

Taking Care of a Senior Pet

When people think of “seniors’, they think of slowing down and of twilight years, which is why many are surprised to learn that pets are considered seniors starting at age seven; however, pets that age still have lots of life, love, and energy to share with you, and by living every day well with your senior pet, you can help ensure their years with you are long, happy healthy ones. Playing is a great way to keep senior pet’s cognitively sharp. Pets learn and exercise their mental muscles during play. While senior pets may not seem as quick to dive into play as they did when they were kittens or puppies, they still enjoy playing with you. Look for toys that will stimulate their minds and interests without exhausting them physically. Exercise for pets is just as important as it is for humans. Ideally, you and your pet will have a well-established fitness regimen by the time they reach their senior years, but if you don’t, that is okay. Make it a point to engage in some kind of exercise at least once per day with your pet. It can be a walk, a jog, or a few laps up and down the stairs. This keeps your pet’s muscles, bones, and joints healthy while also helping your pet maintain a safe weight. Good nutrition will also help your senior pet maintain a healthy weight. Not only that, but eating a

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