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The official Blog of Wellness Natural Pet Food

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Health & nutrition

Health issues / sickness

Choosing The Best Dog Food For Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is one of the most common signs of a dog food allergy or a food sensitivity causing fixated scratching, attempts to bite the area and even “butt ski” to eradicate an annoying irritation. Selecting a food with a single protein source and limited ingredients can be a good choice in finding a dog food for itchy skin and preventing it from being an ongoing problem. Pets can be allergic to variety of things beyond the food bowl. Environmental inhalants like dust, pollen and mold are very common (especially in spring time). Not to mention parasites such as fleas. It can take just one flea bite to have a significant allergic reaction. “Itchiness and skin upsets can also be sign of more serious underlying medical conditions so always work with your veterinarian first to try and identify what could be causing these issues,” explains Wellness Pet Food veterinarian Dr. Danielle Bernal. “If it is a food allergy, they will be able to recommend both a medical and dietary plan to help them recover.” The immune system produces antibodies that protect against unwanted foreign bodies in the system that may potentially cause certain illnesses or infections. (This is the same for people and pets.)  A food-related allergic reaction occurs when the immune system makes antibodies that identify a protein as harmful, when in fact, it isn’t. This is what veterinary professionals describe as an inappropriate immune reaction to a protein ingredient



Health & nutrition

10 Ways To Achieve The Best Diet For Indoor Cats

There’s no question that cats that have an indoor lifestyle are much safer when protected from outdoor predators, social challenges and diseases. But they need additional mental and physical activities and the right indoor cat food diet specific to their everyday needs to ensure they don’t put on weight and lead happy and healthy lives. Cats are carnivores. But, because they tend to be less active, the best indoor cat food will contain the following ingredients: Very digestible high-quality protein source as the #1 ingredient. Calorie count is lower than standard recipes for weight management. High fiber to aid digestion, control hairballs and help manage a healthy body weight. Plus, prebiotics (chicory root) and probiotics (all the fermentation products listed on the ingredient panel) to help reduce litter box odor. Natural proteins that have the 11 essential amino acids cats require including Taurine, a dietary essential. Taurine deficiency in cats can cause a host of issues such as blindness, cardiomyopathy and heart failure, inadequate immune response and reproductive failure. Rich is essential fatty acids – Omega 3 and Omega 6 keep a cat’s skin and coat healthy. Essential vitamins and minerals such as zinc, copper, thiamine riboflavin and pyridoxine for optimum body and immune function. Cats are nibblers and love to come and go to the food bowl. But, it’s important to control their daily allowance by measuring portion sizes and not free-feeding to ensure they don’t overeat. Always use a standard measuring cup. Don’t heap



Health & nutrition

4 Protein Options for Dog Food Without Chicken

There are several reasons why pet parents may prefer a dog food without chicken for their adored fur kids. Primarily, it could be that their pooch is allergic to chicken. Secondly, there’s no question that dogs, like people, have their food favorites and may prefer another tasty protein flavor instead. And, this taps directly into the growing trend of rotating menu options and offering dogs a greater variety in the food bowl. After all, dinner time is a great bonding experience with your pooch. And while we know that selecting the right taste and texture for mealtime enjoyment is important, here are some other reasons to consider a dog food without chicken: Some recipes offer more protein that others and could be a better choice for high-energy dogs that have a very active lifestyle. Some menu options may offer higher levels of glucosamine and chondroitin than others, a good option for dogs with joint issues. A recipe with higher levels of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids could be worth considering for a dog with skin and coat issues. Pet nutritionists consider lamb to be a popular protein choice for pets that are allergic to chicken or other commonly used protein sources. It is rich in high-quality, digestible protein, and often suggested as a meal for high-energy and very active dogs. Lamb has a high myoglobin content, making it an iron-rich protein source and is an excellent source of vitamin



General care

To Our Fellow Pet Parents:

March 30, 2020 To our fellow pet parents, Our Wellness family, including all the pets who enjoy our food are located all over the world, so you can trust us to be here for you, as we remain committed to supporting your pets’ nutrition. I’d like to take a moment to recognize our Wellies who are doing extraordinary work to make sure your pets have their favorite food. Even as the demand on us to supply food is great, we are dedicated to the health and safety of our employees and to ensure that we continue to maintain the highest quality standards of pet food production. We know this is a concerning time, and so I want to share steps we’re taking to keep our team safe and to continue to deliver the highest quality food: •    We have adjusted operations so that our non-production employees are all working from home •    Flexible hours are available for our employees who are managing things like school and childcare facility closures •    Our production facilities are limited to essential personnel only •    We are staggering production shifts to protect our employees, setting up additional break rooms and maintaining social distancing •    While we’re always vigilant about sanitation, we have significantly enhanced these protocols and implemented CDC recommendations to keep our sites and employees safe •    All of our employees receive paid leave and sick time benefits Given these important updates, you will



Health issues / sickness

How to Avoid Overfeeding Dogs and Cats When We’re Home

Whether you work from home or are currently transitioning to a home-based work environment due to the current pandemic, there is a lot to consider when it comes to our pets. It may seem silly but interacting with our pets should be on the list of items to consider when creating a home office because spending more time at home can warrant behavior changes and disruption at mealtime for our furry friends. If you aren’t home all day, you’re probably unaware of what your pet’s routine is like (unless you spy on them with a pet cam). Because you aren’t there, they have to fend for themselves. This is why behavior disruption can take place when you spend more time with your pets. If you start to work from home, your pet will look to you for attention, affection and food. And the more you’re around, the more they will seek to gain. These behaviors may seem harmless at first, but it’s important to ensure you react to them appropriately by keeping their health and wellness a top priority. This will keep you from overfeeding your dog or cat. When humans are home more, a common issue tends to be overfeeding. Overfeeding can occur in two ways: mealtime and treats. When it comes to mealtime, you want to stick to a routine that works for everyone involved. If you don’t have a set work schedule at home, create one. The



5 Boredom Busters for Dogs While We’re All Home

Are you frustrated with your pup because of bad behavior? Are they restless, chewing things they shouldn’t, pawing for attention or digging holes in your yard? While these behaviors may seem like typical puppy play, you could be dealing with a case of doggy boredom. Doggy boredom occurs when your pup has too much energy. Essentially, it means your pup isn’t getting enough stimulation, and that physical energy is building up inside of them with no form of release. Dogs can also grow bored of a monotonous routine, just like we can. They are smarter than they sometimes let on. Here are a few ways to shake up your pup’s routine and get them back on track to good behavior and a happy way of life. The simple answer here is play with your dog! Dogs are a bundle of joy and want to spend as much time with you as they can. Play tug of war, play a game of fetch or invent a game of your own. Roll on the ground, run around the yard, and see the world from your dog’s perspective. A little playtime is good for you and your pup! Take a walk! It seems simple, but more often than not, our pups simply need more exercise. Think of your dog as a growing child. They have a ton of energy and need a way to release it. Add more walking time into your routine



General care

6 Tips For Working From Home With Pets

If you are new to working from home with pets, you may be feeling mixed emotions about your new gig, but working from home can be quite beneficial, especially if you have a furry friend! Think about it. You have the comforts of home, you can dress in your pajamas, and you have your favorite being in the entire universe next to you while you get paid to work, but, and there is always a but, how do you effectively work from home with a pet? Here are some ways to get yourself into a new working routine when you have pets at home to keep you company… When it comes to a home office, some of us may have more options than others. If possible, try to separate yourself from your pets to ensure you have a functional workspace. Go into a room and use a door as a barrier. This will set a clear message that you are unavailable to play or cuddle. If a separate room isn’t possible, try using a space that is higher up, such as a table or countertop, so your pet cannot disrupt your papers, computer or other materials. If you have a needy pet, you may have to set some work-from-home boundaries. Just like you normally leave the house for the day, head to your “home office” and shut the door, physically separating you from your pet. If this isn’t possible, set



General care

How Your Pets Can Help with Anxiety When You’re Under Quarantine

Pets can sense more than we realize. They know when we are sick, they know when we’ve had a bad day and they know when we need some extra love as we traverse a tough breakup. Heck, they can even sense natural disasters before they happen! But when the world hits pause, and we are told to stay in our homes, we enter uncharted territory. How do we combat the fear of the unknown when we can’t leave our homes? Two words–our pets. Let’s take a moment to turn away from our fears and toward our furry friends. It’s time we realize all the benefits our four-legged family members have to offer. As we approach and experience lockdowns and quarantines from the COVID-19 virus, this new territory can cause our nerves to rattle and our anxiety to rear its ugly head, but this is the time where our pets can shine. Did you know the medical field encourages furry family members based on real data? Scientific research has shown the relationships between pets and their owners decrease anxiety, depression and loneliness and support general wellness. Through a series of testing, scientists have seen pet interactions lower blood pressure and heart rate which reduce feelings of stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels. Animals causing humans joy is literally science! Pets also give their owners purpose by providing a consistent support that establishes routine. When we decide to get a pet,



Pet rescue & adoption

5 Ways You Can Help Animals in Need During COVID-19

If you’re like a lot of people currently home and glued to the news during this health crisis, you may feel like there’s not much you can do to help. The good news is that there are things you can do as an animal lover now to help animals in need during this unprecedented time. Many animal shelters across the country have had to shut their doors in recent days to protect against the spread of the virus. First, it is important to know that according to multiple health organizations, animals are not at risk for contracting coronavirus. But they do need our help, now more than ever. These are 5 things you can do right now to ease the burden on local animal shelters, compiled in part by our partner Best Friends Animal Society: First and foremost, foster. It’s one of the biggest needs right now. If you can help even for a short time it will make a huge difference. Visit the Best Friends Animal Society network partner webpage to find an organization near you. If you have the capacity to volunteer for local animal welfare organizations – even if from your home – reach out and see what support they need. Take an additional step and post those needs on your social media channels to spread the word. If you have neighbors who are self-quarantined or otherwise in need of help, make sure they have enough pet



Health & nutrition

Holistic Select Transition Guide

We believe our Holistic Select® cat food features amazing recipes, but unfortunately, there were not enough pet parents who thought the same. As a result, we are discontinuing the Holistic Select cat food line of products. If you currently feed Holistic Select dry or wet cat recipes, we recommend that you try our Wellness® cat food products. The Wellness Complete Health® and Wellness CORE® brands are from the makers of Holistic Select®. Both brands include products that utilize the same holistic approach to support digestion & whole-body health. Wellness Complete Health for Cats: recipes for cats that combine natural, premium proteins to deliver a balanced diet with the nutrients your cat needs for a lifetime of wellbeing, no matter her life stage or unique nutritional needs. Each diet is crafted with pre- & probiotics and fiber for digestive health, antioxidants to support strong immune systems, balanced nutrients for optimal energy and controlled minerals for urinary tract health Wellness CORE for Cats: grain-free selection of natural cat food that is packed with protein. It’s rich in meaty flavor and full of nutrient-dense nutrition. It’s fortified with antioxidants, omega fatty acids and probiotics to make sure his immune system, skin and coat, and gastrointestinal systems stay healthy and strong throughout his long, active life. All the Wellness cat recipes provide an excellent source of high-quality protein and essential fatty acids made with natural, wholesome ingredients free from wheat, corn, soy, meat by-products,



Health & nutrition

Is a Raw Meat Diet Healthy For My Cat?

Feeding pets a raw diet has been a debate for decades. Logically, a raw diet seems natural for animals since they would eat raw meat in the wild, but domesticated animals are different. Their bodies have changed and adapted over time. They move less during the day, and they don’t have to hunt for their food. While some dog owners feed their dogs raw diets, some pet owners may be surprised to learn that the discussion extends into the cat world as well. Just like dogs, cats have a natural instinct to return to their wild roots, and food is a great way to bridge the evolutionary gap. If you have a picky cat eater, this may be the reason why. Cats want flavor in their food just like us. They crave meaty textures and real flavors instead of artificial fillers. But is a raw diet the right option for your cat? Research shows that a raw cat food diet has both pros and cons, so the answer isn’t so straightforward. Here is a quick list to show some of the benefits and the drawbacks when considering a raw diet for your furry friend. A raw cat food diet offers essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes in a natural way. There are no fillers or artificial ingredients when it comes to eating raw, so your feline friend is getting a good quality food. You never have to worry about looking for



Health & nutrition

What To Feed Dogs Who Are Picky Eaters

Most kids are picky eaters. Parents search long and hard for alternative food options to satisfy their stubborn child, but what happens when we are having the same issues with our dogs? They can’t verbally communicate with us, so the only message we receive is a refusal to eat. There are a lot of reasons dogs start to forgo their usual meals. Just like humans, if a dog had an upset stomach after eating, it may pair the association to the food refusing to eat it as a safety measure. Anxiety or inconsistent feeding times can also cause refusal to eat. However, the lack of excitement towards their daily meals could also be food boredom or a need for more flavor. Because we can’t get in their heads and know for sure, these behaviors in our pups set off a chain of events leading to a hunt for dog-approved food. Where do we turn to find good dog food for picky eaters? Some dogs simply don’t like kibble, and evolutionarily, it makes sense. Wild animals never eat processed food, so why are we expecting our picky pets to follow suit? A good starting point towards change could be incorporating a different type of dry food into your dog’s diet. A great option is Wellness’ CORE RawRev. Made from high-protein kibble with freeze-dried raw bites of meats like turkey and lamb mixed in, this recipe contains no fillers or artificial ingredients.

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