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Dog recipe


Old mother hubbard


Dog Christmas Cookie Recipes: Gingerbread Pups and Gingerbread Men

We love baking cookies for the holidays and one of our favorite cutout cookies are gingerbread men. They’re pretty easy to make and fun to decorate. For this Christmas cookie recipe for dogs, we’re revising the classic gingerbread men recipe and using it for inspiration to make dog cutout cookies. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory ingredient that’s generally safe for your dog to eat and it might even help with digestive issues, circulation and arthritis. Mixing a small amount into a Christmas dog recipe is a great way to sneak it in without your dog noticing the strong flavor. For this recipe, you’ll need a mixer, a rolling pin and cookie cutters in the shape of dogs for this dog treat recipe. (Sure, you can make some gingerbread ‘men’ too while you’re at it if you want to give you pup the opportunity to eat them up!) You might even want to set aside a few baked dog Christmas cookies to gift a pet lover in your life. Make these gingerbread dog cutout cookies plain or decorate them with fun Wellness Old Mother Hubbard Winter Fun shapes. 2 1/2 Cups of flour (white or whole wheat) 2 Tablespoons of white flour for the cutting board 1 Tablespoon ground ginger 2 Tablespoons of molasses 1/2 Cup of applesauce, unsweetened 1 Egg 6-8 Wellness Old Mother Hubbard Winter Fun Treats, finely chopped Optional: whole treats & peanut butter for decorating  (make sure the peanut



Life stage

The Smartest Dog Breeds

Canine intelligence is a very popular topic. We all want to know if that lovable goofball on the couch is smart too. Fortunately, the smartest dog breeds come in all shapes and sizes. So, it’s easy to find a savvy furry family member to welcome into your home. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) most dogs are smart but in different ways. They elaborate saying, “working breeds learn how to perform jobs quickly because of their instincts and natural abilities, while other breeds are motivated based on their strong desire to please. But intelligence alone doesn’t automatically make a good pet. To bring out your dog’s natural smarts, you have to study the breed, put in the necessary time to train, and understand his natural traits, like whether he’s a quick study or slow and steady.” World renowned, canine psychologist Stanley Coren, author of the book The Intelligence of Dogs further outlines the different types of intelligence, as follows: Adaptive intelligence – how dogs figure stuff out. Working intelligence – following orders. Instinctive intelligence – a dog’s innate talents. Spatial intelligence – the ability to generate, retain, retrieve, and transform well-structured visual images. Kinesthetic intelligence – the ability to process information physically through hand and body movements, control, and expression. Based a survey amongst 199 dog obedience judges, Coren breaks down canine breed intelligence into six tiers ranking the dogs on how quickly they are able to learn a command. The top tier


Pet rescue & adoption

What Breed is My Dog?

“My dog has brown eyebrows, a mostly black with a white chest, big paws that are black and brown, droopy ears, he licks and he chews on everything. What breed is my dog?” Every month, thousands of people turn to the Internet asking, “what breed is my dog?” looking to learn more about the dog they adopted, posting cryptic descriptions like the one above in the hope of learning more about their four-legged family member. Mutts account for more than half the dog population in America. And with 195 dog breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club, the amount of cross-breeding through generations has populated American homes with dogs of all colors, sizes, looks and adorable personalities. If you have a unique, adorable adopted dog, here are 10 key questions to help figure out your dog’s breed make up: Are there any small physical characteristics that are big clues to a dog’s breed? The answer is a resounding “yes”. •    A ridge running down the middle of a dog’s back with the hair running in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat is a clue that that there is Rhodesian Ridgeback in the dog’s genetic make-up. Many mutts have this feature in their coats. •    A blue spotted tongue. This a common trait in the Chow Chow, a sturdily built dog with a double coat that originally hails from Northern China. However, there are several other breeds with

Dental care

Dental health



How To Care For Your Dog’s Teeth

You brush your dog daily, take them out for walks, and feed them once or twice a day, but there’s an important part of your dog’s health you could be neglecting. We’re talking about his or her teeth. It might not seem like a big deal but caring for a dog’s teeth is an essential component of their overall health and wellbeing. Think about it. You carefully consider what you feed your dog to make sure they’re getting the nutrients they need but what about the body parts they use to chew that wholesome food? A dog’s teeth are a vital part of their health. If you’re uncertain about how to care for your dog’s teeth, or if it’s been a while since you last brushed them, here’s a guide on how to take care of your puppy’s teeth. This is a good starting point so you’re aware of any black tartar or film that’s building up on their gums, as well as the color of their teeth and yes, noting doggy breath! Poor dental hygiene and plaque in particular can lead to gum inflammation, rotten teeth, jaw health problems, as well as heart, kidney and liver disease. Make sure you have pet toothpaste and a dog toothbrush when you want to start brushing their teeth. Your dog might pull away because they don’t know what you’re doing or they’re afraid. Let your dog taste the toothpaste first and use a


Life stage


9 Signs You’re A Puppy Parent

There are some things only puppy parents—and dog parents—understand. Until you’re in this world, you have no idea what it’s like. Here are some sure signs that a puppy has taken over your world. Or doggy nose stains. Or some other kind of dog fluids. Being a dog parent is a messy endeavor but one we wouldn’t trade for the world. Even though they make everything around them dirtier, puppies look cute doing it! Once you get a dog, you find dog fur all over the place and chances are, it’s in your food. Sure, you pick it out when you find it and probably grumble about the dog but chances are, quite a few pieces of fur have probably snuck into your diet. Dog fur is now the secret ingredient to every dish. Any dog parent knows that those days of sleeping in on a day off from work are from a past life—unless you trade off with a partner! Your puppy will act as your new alarm clock, letting you know they want to go out, be fed, and yes, get attention just as the sun is rising. Whether you’re house training your puppy or your dog tends to throw up every once in a while from eating something they shouldn’t, every pet parent makes sure they have a spray cleaner and paper towels on hand at all times. You also know your dog is going to have


Old mother hubbard

Seasonal tips

Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

When you’re planning out your Thanksgiving menu and writing down your shopping list with your favorite four-legged family member at your feet, you might be wondering, “Can dogs eat turkey?” Should you pick up special foods or treats for your pup this holiday or can you just give them a nice plate of Thanksgiving turkey to enjoy? They’ll be hovering around the kitchen all day inhaling all of the delicious smells and giving you those eyes that say, ‘Don’t forget about me!’ Sure, some of your dog’s food has turkey listed as an ingredient so it seems like it should be safe. But should you give your dog a few slices of the Thanksgiving turkey? The short answer is, it depends. It’s generally safe and healthy for dogs to eat plain, skinless turkey breast and it’s a good source of protein and phosphorus and riboflavin. That’s why you’ll find it as an ingredient in many dog foods and dog treats! If your Thanksgiving turkey isn’t seasoned at all or filled with stuffing or topped with fat, it might be safe to carve off a slice or two of a skinless portion. The problem with giving your dog a slice or two of the Thanksgiving turkey is that it’s probably seasoned from the inside out with delicious ingredients that add flavor – like garlic and onions—but that can be harmful to dogs. The holiday turkey may also be covered with a



Health & nutrition

Raw Diet for Cats: How to Feed Your Cat More Protein

In recent years, raw diets for cats have become increasingly popular due to multiple evidence-based claims that cats tend to thrive on raw diets. If you are curious about raw diets and are looking to transition your cat to a raw diet, this article will explain when it is safe to transition your cat to a raw food diet, what nutrients your cat needs from the diet plan you select, and how to transition your cat to a new way of eating. Raw diets are comprised of natural, protein-driven ingredients, the kind that cats would naturally have consumed in the wild. Of course, it’s not as straight forward as a chunk of raw meat, which is considered dangerous and unhealthy. Rather, it’s both protein and other vital nutrients including: Amino acids (taurine and arginine) Fatty acids Vitamins Minerals Water It’s noted that carbohydrates, though digestible, are not necessary for a cat’s diet, which is why they can be safely eliminated in a healthy raw diet. Raw pet food diets have multiple benefits one of which is digestion. Because cats have short digestive tracts that are more acidic, a raw diet works well for them as they can easily digest whatever they consume. Additional proven benefits of a raw diet are: Less frequent bowel movements with less odor Fewer urinary tract infections and other problems due to increased hydration Lower obesity due to higher activity levels Glossier hair / fur Healthier



General care

Health & nutrition

National Recycling Day for Pet Parents

Recycling is an invaluable part of global environmental sustainability particularly given our consumeristic society. Special days like National Recycling Day (also known as America Recycles Day) on November 15 help raise awareness about the value of recycling as well as how people can participate, which is why we at Wellness Pet Food want to share information about our partnership with TerraCycle® as well as how you can get involved and help make the world a better place for pets and their people. TerraCycle is an acclaimed and highly awarded global recycling and upcycling company. Currently located in 20 countries, TerraCycle collects and repurposes packages and products into new affordable products. The company’s belief is that everything can be recycled and collects multiple products ranging from Wellness Pet Food bags to Keurig cups to Hasbro toys. At Wellness, we’re passionate about sustainability and became the first pet food company based in the United States to partner with TerraCycle. The way the program works is as follows: Pet food owners register to the Recycle Your Wellness Packaging Program online at no charge. Pet food owners ship their Wellness Pet Food packaging to TerraCycle free of charge. Note that only certain types of packages are currently accepted, which will be addressed in detail in the section on how you can participate. Pet food owners earn rewards in the form of TerraCycle points. Each pound of waste earns 100 points, which can be redeemed for gifts or



Health & nutrition

How to Properly Feed a Puppy

Getting a new puppy is so exciting! Puppies are warm and cuddly and furry. They are so charming. Of course, they are also so helpless, which means you are in charge of ensuring their nutritional needs are met. Puppies develop rapidly, so giving them the proper nutrition, especially in their first weeks, months, and year requires careful attention. If your puppy was birthed at home, then he will nurse from his mother for the first 6 to 8 weeks. It’s recommended puppies don’t start eating any other food until their caloric needs are no longer being met by their mother; this is typically at around 6 weeks. Many puppies are weaned by 6 weeks, but some still nurse until 8 weeks. In some cases, your puppy’s birth mother might not be able to nurse for the first 4 to 6 weeks. If so, you will need to supplement with milk you purchase from your vet and with a dropper or a bottle for puppies. Regardless, once your puppy is weaned, it will be time to start with solid foods. After he has been weaned, your puppy will need to be fed a high-quality diet of pet food made especially for puppies. These foods contain more calories, protein, and calcium, essential for your puppy’s growth and development. Ask your veterinarian for to recommend the right plan for your pet and for specific breed-size recommendations regarding the feeding schedule. Puppies that are



Health & nutrition

A Guide to Changing Your Dog’s Food: How to Transition to Wet or Dry Foods

When it comes to our pups, we want to make them happy just like they do for us, but sometimes health or other restrictions get in the way. When these situations occur, it usually means a change in food. No matter the reason for this change, here are a few ways to make the shift easier on you and dog. Although kittens often start on wet food, puppies typically start with a high-quality dry food kibble. However, sometimes our pups don’t love the dry options we are providing them. As our dogs age, they may also need the transition to a softer food option. No matter the reason, if you’re looking to switch up meal time offerings, trying wet dog food can be a great choice. There are some considerations with wet dog food. Wet food is a great way to keep your dog hydrated due to the moisture content. This can help aid your dog’s digestion and overall health. Most dogs also prefer wet food to dry because of the texture and the flavorful taste. You do want to ensure you choose a high-quality, natural wet dog food option to avoid unnecessary fillers or excess calories in your dog’s meals. To help keep your pup’s teeth clean while feeding wet food, work in a natural daily dog dental chewy like WHIMZEES. When transitioning your dog to wet food, introduce the food slowly. Just like humans, sometimes new foods can



Pet rescue & adoption

The Best 10 Things about Adopting a Senior Pet

Pets are wonderful additions to any family. They sense our moods, they protect us, they love us unconditionally, they help put us at ease at the end of a long day, and so much more. This is especially true of senior pets. Thinking about adopting? November is National Senior Pet Month, and these are the best 10 things that you get when you grow your family by adopting a senior pet. First, know that the age range for a senior pet is wide, starting at age seven, so many senior pets are actually quite young considering cats and dogs typically live to ages ten to fifteen or more. This leaves years for meaningful companionship and making happy memories together. When it comes to pets, the word senior pertains more to maturity than to advanced age. Puppies and kittens have so much energy. They bounce, jump, and play with abandon—sometimes too much abandon. While senior dogs can still be high energy, they are more reserved and are more likely to walk with you on your evening stroll versus trying to walk you. Senior pets will greet you at the door after work, but they will not tackle you at the door after work. For anyone who is tired at the end of the day, this is one of the best things about adopting a senior pet. They’re just more laid back, which can also help reduce stress for humans. If you’ve

Dental care

Dental health



6 Signs And Causes Of Bad Dog Breath

When your sweet little pup comes up to lick your face and show how much he loves you, do you find yourself wrinkling your nose? You’re not alone! Any puppy parent — or visitor — who’s gotten a doggy kiss or had their dog panting in their face knows just how bad dog breath can be. When a dog breathes in your face, you can’t tell them to brush their teeth and go lie down. A sleepy puppy is adorable to witness but your nose might beg to differ when their foul breath wafts across the room. While your favorite human might get a little too close with their morning breath before they’ve brushed, at least you’ll know you’ll get some relief once they’ve cleaned up. But your dog didn’t learn that twice-a-day brushing habit so his bad dog breath can offend 24/7. Have a pup that chews on smelly shoes? Licks himself all day? Eats everything on the ground when you’re on a walk? Sticks their nose up to other dog’s behinds? Now think about how that combination of foul-smelling factors combines into bad dog breath. Ick! If you had a coworker with halitosis, you’d like the time you spent getting close to them. With a dog that breaths stinky breath, you just can’t do that. We’re willing to bet that all they want to do is get close to you. P U! Your puppy probably comes over to

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